Mandatory by UGC and AICTE-(Details in Download Section)
1. Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Cell
EDC (Entrepreneurship Development Cell) is a student-led organization or cell that promotes and nurtures entrepreneurial activities within educational institutions. It is a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to learn, develop, and implement their innovative ideas and turn them into successful ventures.
2. Constitution of Internal Quality Assurance Cell Committee
The IQAC plays a key role in improving and maintaining the quality of education of an institute. Our IQAC was established in the year 2015. The Cell has been functioning actively for our Academic and Administrative activities. “Quality Policy” is the major objective of our IQAC through continuous monitoring and constant follow-up of undergoing activities. “The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of institutions.
Objective: To the enhancement and integration among the various activities of the institution and institutionalize many good practices. To provide a sound basis for decision making to improve institutional functioning.
Industry Institution Interaction Cell (IIIC) is responsible for building institute-industry collaboration for mutual benefit. The objective of the III Cell is to reduce the gap between industry expectations (practice) and academic offerings (theory) by direct involvement of industry to attain a symbiosis. Their inputs are taken for curriculum development and also for training programs to make students job ready.
To provide continuing education to people working in industries so that they can upgrade their technical knowledge, and / or obtain higher degrees. To catalyze the further growth and development of interaction between the Institute and Industry.
6. Student Grievance Redressal Cell
Grievance means a complaint that includes any kind of discontent or dissatisfaction or negative perception, arising out of anything connected with institute that a student or parent or staff member thinks, believes, or even feels, is unfair, unjust or inequitable. Grievance is a wrong or hardship suffered, whether real or supposed, which forms legitimate grounds of complaint. At any instance of stay in the institute, the spectrum of issues that may bother one’s wellbeing both physically and mentally, that disturbs efficacy and any one with such undergoing is termed as Aggrieved.
Cell nquire the grievances and suggest the final action to be initiated at the institutional level for the redressal of the same. Any student may approach the committee members, if he/she has any grievance regarding academic and non-academic matters and the committee takes up the necessary action.
7. Anti Ragging Committe and Squad
In view of the directions of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the matter of "University of Kerala Vs Council, Principals, Colleges & Others" in SLP no. 24295/2006 dated 16.05.2007 and dated 08.05.2009 in Civil Appeal no. 887/2009 and in consideration of the determination of Govt. of India and University Grants Commission to prohibits, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging, UGC Regulations on curbing the menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions in 2009 came to be issued and which were published in the Gazette of India on 04.07.2009. The said regulations are applicable on all the Institutions coming within the definition of University, Deemed University and all other Higher Educational Institutions. Section 3 of said regulations provides that Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts:
Ragging is totally prohibited in OKIMR and if any student is found indulged in activity of Ragging then severe action will taken including lodging of FIR against such student/students. At the time of registration, students and their parents gives an undertaking that he/she will not indulge in any kind of activity which amounts to ragging. Thus, it is requested that all the students of Institution will be watchful and help the administration in all possible ways to curb and to root out ragging in all its forms.
Anti-ragging website link:,
Ragging / Harassment is a punishable offence at OKIMR. Strict action will be taken against the perpetrators. All matters related to ragging / harassment of fellow student (s) by other student (s) within the campus or any such occurrences / related issues will be dealt as per the latest available AICTE regulations on the subject. To ensure AICTE / UGC Compliance on Ragging.
To maintain safe and congenial Environment in and around campus for females.
To ensure proper implementation of code of conduct by students in the Campus and Reporting deficiency to Grievance Committee to work out the solution.
1. Academic Value addition Committee
In house and Outdoor participation
Planning, Organizing QIV Activities for all streams.
Maintain complete records of all activities and events.
Upgrade/Maintain QIV Grading of last year
Planning & organizing cultural activities from time to time.2. Sports Committee
Coordinate University Sports
Organization of sports week and looking after Indoor// Outdoor sports facilities.Throughout the year Institute holds several events like Fresher’s Party, Festivals and Fetes, Spic Macay Shows , Yoga, Meditation, Health Check up, blood donation camps, and participation in student-rallies in support of social causes. Our students are the Event-Managers of all activities under the guidance of faculty.
To prepare and maintain data of passed out and current students of OKGE. Planning and organizing of Alumni meet every year. Registration and collection of fees from Alumni and current students.
Head Office: +91-0744-2490878, 2490402, 8233217907